
The heating system is situated in the garage. All devices are modern and mostly from German origin.
The burner has enough capacity for heating up the water for floor heating and warm water supply.
The water boiler is not on the roof but inside the building (longer life cycle).
In summer the whole system operates on the solar system on the roof.
In the winter the whole system is heated by the burner
In between (when the sun is more weak and the burner is not on yet) the boiler will be heated with electricity.
In winter days, when the sun is powerful enough the solar system will add warm water to the system and (burner)power will be saved.

To check the whole system all in and outgoing lines have meters. This is mainly done for maintenance (in case of complaints or malfunctioning). Until now the meters come in handy to fine tune the system.

All water lines are inside the floors and within the walls. For eventual replacing or adjusting lines they are covered in these red (hot) and blue (cold) pipes.

A modern connection method. This is in the main hall. In case of problems or fine tuning every tap or water supplying point can be shut off or adjusted.

The floor heating in different stadia. Under the red system floor insulation is applied.
The floor heating lines (a real puzzle) are divided over the surface which need heating.
A layer of concrete protects the lines and gives a good surface for tiling the floor.

Several units like this to adjust, maintain or fine tune the floor heating.