
To prevent a constant water pressure underneath the floor, a thick layer of gravel is applied.

Around the whole house are drainage pipes so water cannot give constant pressure to the outside walls.
Here is an intersection of drainage and sewerage pipes (this is close to the water and septic tank).
The fabric covering the pipes and a piece of the walls is against sand, filth and roots coming into the drainage system.

Here are pipes coming out of the house connected to the sewerage pipe and to the drainage.
The water from the showers is reasonably clean and therefore connected to the drainage system.
After collecting all drainage water in a 5,000 litre tank the future plans are to clean it and pump it up to a very big tank to use in the summer.

After Insulation and the filtering cloth a blue net is applied to give support to the plaster works.

Gravel around the whole building makes sure that rain water is sinking down to the drainage.

Lot's of properties in this climate have problems with damp walls (fungus) and rooms. On this picture it's clear that these problems will not arise in this building. Together with smart use of floor heating this building will have a dry and comfortable atmosphere.