
The complete system in a drawing. Underneath we documented the complete process, this is also an example of how we documented this property.

The 5,000 litre water tank.

The water supply comes from the main road to the tank. From the tank to the garage are two water lines and one electricity line.
The basic principle:
- Water company line to meter on the house
- From the meter one water line goes to the water tank, and a separate water line goes directly to the garage (in case of power failure) both going to the pump
- From the water tank the line goes to the garage and to the pump
- From the pump the line goes to the anti-calcium machine (with bypass in case of power failure) and another line goes directly to the garden (no need to filter)
- From the anti-calcium machine the line goes to the main house, guest house and office
- When the reservoir is to low an alarm goes off as a warning to save water (will last for 2 days)
- When the tank is full a floater will shut the water supply
- When the tank gives water to the water system the floater will immediately start the main water supply

The water meter and the lines going into the garage.

The water tank with connected floater and the copper filter (at the start of taking water into the system).

The water tank is completely embedded into concrete to protect it form collapsing from ground pressure.

The tank and lines to and from the garage are under the gravel. The tank has a wooden cover which can be taken off for maintenance purposes (i.e. cleaning the filter).

The black line is an air slot to protect the tank from under or over pressure by air- or water pressure.

The water pump will keep the system's pressure up to 4 atmosphere.

The anti-calcium machine will keep the water soft and all water devices will last longer.
For proper operation this device preferably gets water pressure at 4 atmosphere.