For villa Kalami
- Conceptual design
Leo Hendriks ZZYX Roomolenstraat 16-18 1015 AN Amsterdam The Netherlands
- Static design and building plans
Antonis Chatzantonis N. Mandilara 32 85300 Kos Dodekanese - Greece
For this site
- Construction
(photography where not mentioned and text) Hans van der Velden InfoSwitch PO-Box 24 85302 Antimaxeia - Kos Dodekanese - Greece


- English corrections
Lynne Hyde Kos - Greece
- Photography #1
Kurt Kern [fotograf.] Germany

- Photography #2
VastJanszen Jacob Mosselstraat 13 2595 RD Den Haag The Netherlands


- Webhosting
IT-Works Nieuwestad 61b 8911 CJ Leeuwarden The Netherlands